Skin effect of power line is one of the losses in power network of the country and this is also an unwanted component for system stability. The basic definition for skin effect of power line is the unequal distribution of current in cross section of conductor of power line. The effects of skin effects get higher where the length of power line increases.AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct current) are the major power system in electrical industry. Alternating current power system is the most used electrical power system in the world due to its advantages over DC system. Unfortunately Skin effect is only arise in AC power system.
There are several factor’s which affects for this skin effects in electrical power lines such as the conductor shape, material use for conductor, Power line conductor diameter and system frequency.The main reason for skin effect of transmission power line is the resistance of the power line conductor is getting higher for higher frequency.Shape of conductor, Type of materials use for conductor, operational frequency of the conductor and diameter of conductor are key factors which affect for skin effect in power transmission line.